Curators of conscious living.

Miraculous Me is not a product. It is a mind set, a movement and a lifestyle!

Its a manifesto. Its a call to action, to create change through connection to self.

Miraculous Me is a global conscious creative styling movement that educates, encourages and inspires you to break free from the addiction of mindless consumption of fashion and beauty, that only momentarily satisfies you, always leaving you wanting more and feeling unworthy or inadequate if you do not have that one more fix.

By transforming the mundane act of getting dressed into a daily sacred conscious moment of creative expression, getting dressed becomes a moment of deep connection to self. In this moment we are enough and worthy and lack nothing because in that moment we are connected to spirit (your inner and true you) the act of getting dressed is turned to a sacred creative expression silencing the mind, creating a bridge to your authentic empowered true self or spirit- the true deeper you, where u are enough! Where you are whole, Where you are limitless, abundant and free from the incessant noise of consumerism.

“If you want to change the world, there is no better place to start than with the clothes on your back and the shoes on your feet”

Elizabeth Kline, Conscious Closet